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"The miraculous natural remedy for eczema": You say it!

Eczema ... If you are not affected personally, you must know someone around you who is, right?

This skin disease is extremely widespread, making life hell for many people, and yet it is still not well known about effective AND healthy remedies ... If you want more information on this subject, do not hesitate read our article on eczema!

It turns out that Les Petits Prödiges magic balm , although it has no medical claims proving its effectiveness on eczema, has received numerous reviews praising its impressive effectiveness on this condition. skin disease.

So, we do not assure you that, whatever your eczema, balm will work on you too, but we still advise you to try, because given its 100% natural composition made with only 7 ingredients (Olive Oil, Beeswax, Honey, Royal Jelly, Sweet Almond Oil, Arnica and Vitamin E), the worst that can happen to you is that it does not do anything !

And if you want a zoom on these ingredients, we offer you a very complete article here . If you want more information on Royal Jelly, it's here and if you are wondering about the benefits of Olive Oil, it's here !

remède naturel miraculeux contre l'eczéma

We give you an overview of the testimonials of our customers who tested balm on their eczema:

"I have serious eczema problems and your product is revolutionary!
After the application I already felt a change both in the irritation, my impulsive "scratchings" calmed down but also in the color of the affected areas which also changed! »
- Laurie, Les Petits Prödiges client

"I had a big patch of eczema on my chin, I used the balm every day and MAGIE! Nothing !!!! I wanted to thank you and above all to give you good feedback, it's always a pleasure ” - Clara, Les Petits Prödiges client

"I use it to moisturize my hands that suffer from allergic eczema, and it relieves well: since I use it I have no more itching like before! So it changes my nights! For a minimum of ingredients I took the odorless one. What is really interesting and important to me is that the composition is 100% natural! I love ! » - Aurélie, Les Petits Prödiges client

“I have had it for 6 consecutive months, all over my body [...].
After a first try: the balm, after 3 days, literally reduced my redness, my skin (which was more of a mixture between a crust and a scale) regained elasticity, incredible! I continue to use it every day, the itching persists (the menstrual cycle plays a big role in all of this ...), but the skin has a very soft texture, the redness is "controlled". For people suffering from eczema, the balm will not rectify all the psychological factors linked to this disease, causing it to come back, but from a "concrete" point of view, it will allow a much more livable daily life, and will allow the skin to regenerate greatly ”
- Valentine, Les Petits Prödiges client

“I bought this balm a year ago now and use it regularly but especially when I have an eczema flare.I put it on at the start of the rash to make sure it doesn't develop on the rest of the skin and it's magic! I used cortisone creams a lot before so I'm happy to have found a natural alternative (it's much less addictive for the skin and it's a healthier remedy) ”- Caroline, Les client Little Prödiges

Remède Naturel eczéma psoriasis zona

And we take advantage of this article to share with you the opinion of our customers on certain other skin concerns:

Atopic dermatitis:
"A routine this little balm, for us it's coconut, my daughter applies it on these tattoos , me to moisturize my skin ( atopic dermatitis ), my husband and my son in aftershave balm! We can not do without! »- Angélique, Les Petits Prödiges client

"This balm brings immediate relief and I use it on the face with rosacea ... guaranteed hydration and all that with natural products ... I recommend it! ”- Valérie , client of Les Petits Prödiges

"Woaw this balm is magic! It does so much good for the thirst-quenched skin on my face. She, who usually cracks in winter, is very gentle with this balm. And the icing on the cake: this balm with an ultra clean composition relieves irritation / itching during mycosis (not glamorous but good to know).
Thank you Les Petits Prödiges for creating this little miracle ❤
» - Eve , client of Les Petits Prödiges

Diaper rash and baby dryness:
"I wanted to tell you that I also converted my baby to your products (and presto, one product for the whole family it's still more practical). After weeks of droughts on the arms and legs which did not go well when treated with a reputable cream without harmful agents, 24h with the odorless balm and I already see an improvement! [...] » - Marie-Alice , client of Les Petits Prödiges

"I had a shingles rash a few months ago. I didn't know at first what it was, but once clearly identified, I tried a lot of treatments (natural and "chemical"): overall it didn't work very much. I then applied the coconut balm, on the advice of a friend telling me that it could not hurt me (I was already in so much pain it must be said). And there I admit that I was left speechless at the speed of the effect ... No more itching and a marked improvement in the plaque, itching and that awful burning sensation! THANK YOU » - Clothilde, Les Petits Prödiges client

And you, have you already tested?
We want your opinion!

Send us your comments at ❤



Les Petits Prödiges

Pour les personnes qui le cherchent, Le Baume Magique est disponible sur notre e-shop :) juste ici :


Ténot Nathalie

Bonjour, j’aimerais commander et m’inscrire sur os produits mais je ne sais comment faire poyr ez vous m’aider, car je fais de lexcema qui me fait très mal, j’ai rien à perdre à asseayer.
Je vous remercie pour m’aider Nathalie


Super article avec de nombreux témoignages clients. Tout ce qu’il me fallait pour conforter mon avis quant à l’efficacité de ce baume contre l’eczéma ! Je n’ai plus hésité à me le procurer après avoir lu cet article :)


Sur les conseils d’une amie, j’ai essayé le baume 100% naturel sur mon psoriasis..
Quel plaisir ! Beaucoup moins, voire presque plus de démangeaisons et une régression très significative des plaques !
UN VRAI bonheur !


Bonjour, depuis plus d’un mois je souffre de douleurs et démangeaisons très violentes l’une comme l’autre dues à un eczema géant puisque de nombreuses parties du corps sont concernées. J’utilise plusieurs fois par jour et même la nuit,de l’huile végétale de Calophylle et des huiles essentielles cortisone like, plus de l’huile essentielle de camomille romaine. Le soulagement des démangeaisons et de la douleur est à peine perceptible. J’ ai essayé le beurre de karité et les résultats ont été nuls. J’ai beaucoup de mal à croire que je puisse fonder quelque espoir de mieux être dans ce produit. Merci par avance de votre réponse. Cordialement. Elfine

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