In the Les Petits Prödiges offices, we are 100% women. We are therefore no longer concerned by this subject and engaged in the fight against breast cancer. This is why it seemed obvious to us to support the association Breast Cancer, Let's Talk!
Les Petits Prödiges will donate 10% of its profits for the day of October 24 to the association Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en! Go to our website :)
In France, 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer throughout her life. It is one of the most dangerous cancers in women, and screening saves millions of lives!
By Sasha Podgurska
Pink October is pretty, but what exactly is it?
This is an awareness campaign for breast cancer screening and the fight against it. A call for donations is also launched to support breast cancer research, in particular to fight resistance to treatments, improve the quality of life and health of patients and develop new therapeutic strategies.
Today, Pink October is an annual worldwide operation in which more than 70 countries participate. On social networks as during events, physical, the place is for testimonies and discussions in order to sensitize as many people as possible and call for screening.
The key words of this month of Pink October:
Who is behind all this?
It goes back 26 years! In 1994, the Esthée Lauder group and the Marie Claire magazine got involved in the fight against breast cancer by creating their association "Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en!" ". Each year, a new edition of the Pink October campaign is launched, bringing together more and more participants in many countries around the world!
What are the risk factors for developing breast cancer?
- The risk can be very high if you have family history such as breast cancer in a relative. If it is a first degree relative such as father, mother, sister, brother or child, this risk is multiplied by 2. The risk is multiplied by 4 if there are 2 first degree relatives with a history breast cancer.
- The risk is high if you have personal history such as, for example, invasive breast or ductal cancer in situ, atypical ductal or lobular hyperplasia or high-dose chest irradiation (Hodgkin's disease )
- Finally, age has an average risk of developing breast cancer. It is from the age of 50 that the greatest number of breast cancers occurs in women, even without a family or personal history. This is the number one risk factor for developing this cancer. So this concerns us all at one time or another!
Out of 54,062 cases of breast cancer detected each year, 11,913 die from it. However, 9 out of 10 cancers can be cured at an early stage, hence the great importance of getting tested!
How to get tested?
From the age of 25, palpation by a healthcare professional once a year is recommended as well as a pelvic examination. This does not represent a heavy examination, but just allows you to screen, and can be done by a general practitioner or your gynecologist.
From the age of 50, a mammogram should also be done every two years
Pharmacists are also available to answer all your questions and refer you to get tested :)
"All United by The Same Color" is this year's slogan, so this month see life in pink and protect the women you love ❤
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