My first is a facial and body treatment, my second is a makeup remover, my third is also on the ends of the hair, my everything is one and the same product: I present to you the multi-purpose balm, a care with endless possibilities.
Camille and Clémentine, founders of Les Petits Prödiges, have worked in major cosmetic brands; faced with realities on the ground, they wanted to go back to basics with formulas that are healthy, they decided to combine their skills to found this laboratory in the south of France.
A great success for this avant-garde product that nourishes, softens, soothes and protects your skin, a short, simple and understandable formula, when you know the mental load that packaging and containers represent, end up with only one eco-responsible cosmetics that knows how to do everything and who does it with a master hand, it is the dream of the refined bathroom and the traveler, no more overflowing toilet bags, with their extended ingredients and all these toxic components with false promises. Here a 100% natural formula with only 7 ingredients such as vitamin E, olive oil which have recognized virtues; it is the Swiss army knife of cosmetics that makes the beauty routine more "green" while respecting your skin. Ideal after a gentleman's shave or for the skin of the little ones.
Simple, ecological, effective and of high quality, this magic balm keeps its commitments: what joy to use a product that knows how to do everything and which has our full confidence. On the site you can compose and offer your personalized box and discover the first 100% natural French deodorant in a biodegradable cardboard pack. Today, combining ecology, health and pleasure is possible with Les Petits Prödiges.