That's it, the test is positive, you are pregnant! Congratulation !
After the first reaction of joy, the first fears surface?
Don't worry, everything will be fine.
Of course, hormones will turn everything upside down, you will gain weight, you will have to watch your diet, maybe stop exercising, pay attention to your skin ...
Lots of changes all at once c t is true, but you will also have to redouble your efforts to take care of yourself, pamper your skin and your body. Feeling good about yourself is essential for a healthy pregnancy.
In this article, we give you all our beauty & well-being advice to adopt a routine adapted to these 9 months of e enchanted parenthesis, full of emotion.
Here is our wellness and beauty program:
Step n ° 1 Hydrate!
Drink (and drink for 2!)
We recommend around 2L of water per day, because you will tend to get dehydrated more quickly than normal.
Never go out without your bottle, especially for those who are pregnant by these hot weather! -
Adapt your day cream
Prefer well nourishing and moisturizing creams, otherwise you will not escape the tightness of pregnancy ... -
Choose a rich soap
Cleanse your skin with products without soap and surgras (surgras toilet bars or shower oils)
For your hair, use mild shampoos to have baby hair ! -
Moisturize your hands and nails
During pregnancy, nails tend to grow faster, but be careful if they will be softer and brittle, so remember to moisturize your cuticles well at the same time as your nails. hands.
Step 2: Adapt your beauty routine
The skin tends to be more sensitive.
Tightness, pimples, dryness are sometimes present.
Some will have drier skin and others will have more oily. Others will see their skin problems (eczema, acne) worsen or improve.
The thing that we are sure is that our skin is much more sensitive and reactive. So, in all cases, it is essential to adopt beauty gestures that present no risk, neither for oneself nor for the baby.
- First priority: The health of Mom & Baby
Our advice: Limit the number of cosmetics and extenders.
Certain chemicals can be harmful to your baby.
This is the case with parabens , phthalates or nanoparticles because your skin as a future mother does not stop everything.
Also avoid them. deodorants containing aluminum as well as endocrine disruptors (here is an article on this subject)
So, favor beauty products containing few ingredients. Read the labels carefully.
To help you decipher the INCI lists, many platforms exist, among others:
- The site: "The truth about cosmetics"
Equipped with 'a simple and easy-to-access search bar, cosmetic compositions will no longer hold any secrets for you.
- Applications that scan compositions: Yuka, CleanBeauty, QuelCosmetic, etc.
Les Petits Prödiges Tips: Formulated with only 7 natural ingredients (so no risk of intoxication whatsoever for your baby, we strongly recommend that you use Odorless Balm Les Petit Prödiges which will take care of your skin without endangering Mom & Baby .
⚠ Cosmetics to put aside during your pregnancy:
- Creams containing retinol or acidic vitamin A (like certain anti-wrinkle or anti-acne creams)
- Pure essential oils or contained in
products - Permanent coloring products (prefer vegetable coloring)
- Second priority: Prepare your body
After the "health" aspect, a few other goals for some of you are the prevention of stretch marks and the "pregnancy mask"
- Stretch marks
The skin of the stomach, breasts, thighs distends with pregnancy and is therefore conducive to stretch marks. These pink streaks appear around the 5 th month and whiten over time.
To prevent them:
→ Try from the start of not to gain too much weight (but no stress either! 10-12 kilos spread over the 9 months are normal or even recommended.
→ Use a anti-stretch mark cream (we recommend silicon-based products , arnica, or / and sweet almond oil). A body oil or cream can also do the trick.
The right thing to do: spread yourself well every day all over your body with emphasis on the small container!
The Tips Les Petits Prödiges: Formulated in particular with sweet almond oil and arnica, you can opt for Coconut Balm Les Petit Prödiges which will deeply nourish your skin throughout pregnancy and above all will strongly prevent the appearance of stretch marks ... To find out more about the prodigious ingredients of our balms, do not hesitate to see our article on their benefits!
- The pregnancy maskWhat is it?
It is a hyper pigmentation of the skin which usually appears on the forehead, nose, and cheeks.
→ Protect yourself well from the sun with a high index anti-UV A and B cream (to find out all about the indices, we advise you to read our article on The Sun Ritual: here
Step 3: Adapt your lifestyle
We are not asking you to isolate yourself in a glass bubble but just to think about your way of life and perhaps rectify certain habits
The key word: serenity for your good and that of the baby who is going to arrive.
Stop smoking
We know the harmful effects of tobacco on health and on the fetus. Ideally, you should quit smoking a few months before conception.
In addition to increasing the chances of getting pregnant quickly, this will help purge your body before these intense 9 months.
Be careful with passive smoking as well. If the future daddy smokes, he avoids doing it inside the house…
Some doctors will nevertheless advise heavy smokers not to quit overnight if it causes a huge dose of stress, but to reduce it a little. little by little. It's up to you ... -
Pay attention to your diet
Feeling good about your body also depends on what you eat. A good diet is particularly important during the 1 st trimester because certain foods play a crucial role in the healthy development of the fetus
The Top:
✓ Fruits and vegetables: for antioxidants and for fibers that promote transit.
→ 5 to 9 fruits and vegetables per day
→ 3 dairy products a day
✓ Cooked eggs & red meat (if you are not vegetarian ): For the iron they contain and which is essential for the baby's muscles and blood
Your caloric intake must be sufficient (> 1800 Kcal) and it is better not to skip meals (as when we are not pregnant by the way).
The Flops:
In general, avoid foods that are too sweet and too fatty (despite the small cravings!)
⚠ Raw or dried meats: for their risk of transmission of the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis
⚠ raw or marinated fish, and crustaceans : for the risk of listeriosis
⚠ Grated cheese & cheese rinds: for their risk of transmission of the germ of the listeria
⚠ Soybean
Do not worry, during the first consultation, your doctor will tell you the best diet to adopt during your pregnancy. p >
Stop alcohol
We will not list the harmful effects of alcohol but we will only tell you that at the beginning, the risks of malformations are numerous and then unfortunately it can premature births or mental retardation to name a few.
So replace your appetizer with a fruit juice or a smoothie! Some expectant mothers have a natural distaste for alcohol during pregnancy. Luckily, this might be the case for you! - Ditch your high heels!
During pregnancy, the body changes posture and its axis of balance shifts forward. Wearing high heels therefore supposes an effort. Even if we are not going to forbid you and we are not going to a wedding or a tennis party, when the pregnancy is advanced, it is better to prefer shoes with heels of 3 to 5 cm maximum and to the tip not too narrow. -
To adapt to this new situation, the body needs more sleep from the first few months. The heart, lungs and kidneys considerably increase their activity and therefore you have to recover while sleeping. Going to bed late every night and getting up early in the morning to go to work is not the right plan. Even more rest during the day and take a half-hour nap with your feet slightly elevated is ideal.
Step 4: Move but slowly!
Walk, swim (in addition to its calming virtues, swimming and water aerobics improve your breathing which is strongly recommended for preparation for childbirth). You also work your perineum and strengthen your muscles therefore only positive.
What else?
The Top:
✓ Yoga : It will bring you the same benefits as swimming and is also a good preparation for childbirth
✓ Pilates: relieves certain ailments associated with pregnancy and allows you to better control your breathing
✓ The maintenance gym: by banishing abs of course and favoring short sessions
✓ The bike: Oh no , contrary to what you might think, nothing forbids it as long as the belly does not take up too much space (until about the 5 th month). It helps to ventilate and tone the perineum. Obviously, slowly, it's not about falling! Of course we are talking about cycling but not mountain biking!
The Tips Les Petits Prödiges: We advise you to take a look at the platform Maternice .
Their concept is top: encourage you to live your motherhood to the full, by offering you personalized support in the choice of activities (fitness, beauty and well-being) exclusively dedicated to maternity and book online with a selection of certified partners
More information: here .
The Flops:
⚠ Skiing⚠ Horse riding
⚠ Climbing
→ the risk of falling is too great.
⚠ Team sports and cardio-training activities < br> ⚠ The scooter / motorbike : finished! We take public transport or the car.
In all cases: no fatigue and even less shortness of breath. If you are short of breath, it is the baby who is lacking oxygen (at the beginning of pregnancy, the heartbeats are faster). Don't go beyond your limits. You must be able to speak for the duration of the effort and be able to recover in less than 15min. Obviously, adapt your activity to your physical condition
However, big sportswomen, let's calm down! During pregnancy, we lose muscle mass, there is nothing we can do about it… Maintain our muscles, OK, but reasonably.
So, you have understood correctly: it is of course important to stay active and maintain an optimal weight for the good of the baby, but we stop wanting to stay slim and sexy at all costs during pregnancy!
Yes sometimes you might feel "ugly and fat" but it only lasts "9 months ...
♡ 9 unforgettable months where you are the most beautiful because you carry life. Nothing is more beautiful than a pregnant woman who takes responsibility for herself ♡
1 comment
Bon article
Certaines huiles essentielles sont autorisees à partir du 2 eme trimestre de la grossesse demander l’avis du professionnel qui suit votre grossesse
Un petit bémol « votre medecin » ou « votre sage-femme « nous sommes nombreux( ses) à suivre les grossesses;) merci
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